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Essential Activities (March 30 to April 9).

The Council of Ministers has approved this Sunday the list of essential activities in which workers can continue to attend their positions and that will not be subject to the paid leave recoverable from March 30 to April 9. While waiting for the list to be published in the Official State Gazette, this is the list that appears in the Government decree, according to a draft pending approval:

List of workers to whom recoverable paid leave is not applicable:

1. To working people in activities that must continue to be carried out under articles 10.1, 10.4, 14.4, 16, 17 and 18, of Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, which declares the status of alarm.

2. To the workers in the activities that participate in the market supply chain and in the operation of the services of the production centers of goods and services of first necessity, including food, beverages, hygienic products, medicines, sanitary products or any product necessary for the protection of health, allowing their distribution from origin to final destination.

3. To the workers of the hotel and restaurant activities that provide services of home delivery.

4. To workers of all productive activities in the manufacturing industrial sector and, in particular, those of the chemical sector, the sectors of manufacture of medicines and pharmacy, the sector of food and beverages, the subsectors of textiles, glass, tobacco, producers of capital goods and the sectors of the chain manufacturing value of all types of healthcare technology, medical material, protective equipment, healthcare and hospital equipment, the pulp, paper, cardboard or cellulose production sectors, as well as those other related activities that offer supplies, equipment, materials , raw materials or professional services necessary for the proper development of these activities.

5. To the working people in the activities that the transport services, both people and goods, which continue to develop since the declaration of the state of alarm, as well as those that must ensure the maintenance of the means used for this, under the protection of the regulations approved by the Competent Authority and the Delegated Competent Authorities from the declaration of the alarm state.

6. At Security Forces and Bodies, to the personnel that provides services in Penitentiary Institutions and to the personnel of the services of civil protection, rescue and fire fighting, as well as traffic and road safety.

7. At Armed forces.

8. To the staff of the private security companies that provides security transport services, response to alarms, patrols or discontinuous surveillance, and those that it is necessary to use for the performance of security services in guarantee of essential services and supply to the population.

9. To the workers of the health centers, services and establishments, as well as those who care for the elderly, dependent people or people with disabilities, as well as people who work in companies, entities and research centers in which projects related to COVID19 are being developed, and against all those other diseases that involve trials clinical and proof of concept underway; as well as the animal facilities associated with them and the companies that provide services and suppliers of products necessary for research in these matters.

10. To people domestic workers and caregivers.

11. To workers who provide services in press outlets and in the media or news agencies of public and private ownership, as well as in its printing or distribution.

12. To the workers of financial services and insurance companies.

13. To the workers of the electro-intensive industry, steel and blast furnaces and mining, as well as to workers in the production and supply of heating or air conditioning services centrally for multiple consumption centers.

14. To the workers of companies dedicated to the manufacture of lead batteries, as well as any other materials necessary for the provision of health services.

15. To people who work in plants with continuous production cycle or whose interruption may cause serious damage to the installation itself or risk of accidents.

16. To the people who work in the aerospace and defense industry, as well as other activities of strategic importance for the national economy.

17. To the workers of the companies of telecommunications and essential computer services. In entities belonging to the Public Sector, in the sense defined in article 3 of Law 9/2017, of November 8, on Public Sector Contracts, by which the Directives of the European Parliament and of the Council 2014/23 / EU and 2014/24 / EU, of February 26, 2014, will be considered essential computer services those that are essential for the adequate provision of public services, as well as the operation of non-contact work of the Public employees.

18. To the workers of companies essential services related to the protection and care of victims of gender violence.

19. To workers who provide services in activities necessary for the management and payment of the public benefits, subsidies and legal and regulatory aid established and the operation of the Social Security System.

20. Workers who provide services in administrative agencies and social graduates, consultancies, professional offices, third-party and own services for the prevention of occupational risks and, in general, those dedicated to the activity of legal, tax, business and socio-labor advice or to the defense of the interests of consumers.

21. The labor staff at the service of notaries and registries for the fulfillment of the essential services established by the General Directorate of Legal Security and Public Faith.

22. At civil authorities responsible for public health and the employees who provide services in this area, as well as those others directly or indirectly related to the management of the health emergency.

23. To the workers of the funeral services, as well as the construction of niches and other related activities.

24. To workers who provide cleaning, maintenance and surveillance services, as well as providing services in the field of collection, management and treatment of hazardous waste, as well as urban solid waste, hazardous and non-hazardous, wastewater collection and treatment, decontamination activities and other waste management services and removal of animals dead or in any of the entities belonging to the Public Sector, in accordance with the provisions of article 3 of Law 9/2017, of November 8, on Public Sector Contracts.

25. To the workers in the Refugee Reception Centers and Immigrants Temporary Stay Centers and to public entities under private management subsidized by the Secretary of State for Migration and that operate within the framework of International Protection and Humanitarian Attention.

26. To the workers who participate in the provision of services that have been or may be declared essential by the competent Authority and the competent authorities delegated under Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14.

27. The personnel of the operator designated by the State to provide the universal postal service, in order to provide collection, admission, transport, classification, distribution and delivery services for the exclusive purposes of guaranteeing said universal postal service.

28. To the people who develop the activity of management and operation of toll roads, including the stations and service areas that are located in them.

29. To workers in activities of supply, purification, conduction, purification and sanitation of Water.

30. To working people in the provision of meteorological services including maintenance and surveillance services, control of operational processes related to meteorological services, meteorological prediction processes and aeronautical observation process and defense observation / prediction.

31. Likewise, the provision of services to Public Administrations, when this is essential, and to the extent that it is essential to guarantee the basic functioning of public services. In the same way, those that provide services in activities of management of endowment services and public service infrastructures that are essential.

32. People who provide essential face-to-face services for the customs clearance, those of customs surveillance and those carried out for the performance of the critical services necessary for the application of the tax system.

33. To workers who provide services in those sectors or subsectors that participate in the import and supply of sanitary material, such as logistics, transport, storage, customs transit companies (freight forwarders) and, in general, all those that participate in health corridors.

34. To people who provide services in logistics operators and textile or other industries dedicated or converted to the manufacture or import of sanitary material.

35. People who work in the distribution and delivery of products acquired in the Internet, telephone or correspondence commerce.

36. To the people who provide the minimum services necessary for the maintenance and conservation of the facilities that stop their activity during the indicated period.

37. To working people who are already providing services remotely, Unless otherwise agreed between the employer and the legal representation of the workers through collective bargaining or, in the absence of such representation, the workers themselves.

38. To working people who are in temporary disability situation on the days of validity of the permit regulated in this royal decree-law, as well as those whose contract is suspended for other legally foreseen causes, among them, those provided for in sections d) and e) of article 45.1 d and e Royal Legislative Decree 2 / 2015, of October 23, approving the revised text of the Workers' Statute Law.

39. The essential service will also be considered union and employer activity to serve companies and working people.

40. They will be excepted from the paralysis of non-essential activities, those activities carried out by companies directed to safeguard the safety of people and the environment, animal health, mine safety, fire prevention and extinction, as well as those aimed at the search and rescue of people.


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