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non-residents and businesses@4x

Non-Residents & International Business

With the globalization of the economy, more and more the relationships of companies and people expand their scope of action beyond the borders of a country or a continent.

At Ennumera, we are an expert in advising and managing Non-Residents and International Business, applying the highest quality and guarantee standards.


  • Tax advice in the personal field. 
  • Income tax returns for non-residents. 
  • Income tax returns for residents. 
  • Inheritance tax. 
  • Planning and tax advice. 
  • Advice on Spanish residence. 
  • Personal real estate taxes. 
  • Advice and help with visas and work permits.


  • Company formation. 
  • Tax and social security registry for companies and individuals. 
  • Monthly / quarterly tax and accounting services. 
  • Annual accounts and tax returns. 
  • Preparation and presentation of tax returns. 
  • Tax planning. Preparation of budgets and forecasts. 
  • Complete labor services of the company.
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Ana saez

Ana saez

Action is the fundamental key to success.
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11:00 - 14:00


11:00 - 14:00


11:00 - 14:00


11:00 - 14:00


11:00 - 14:00

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