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Mandatory Electronic Notifications

With the entry into force of Law 39/2015 of October 1 on Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, notifications by electronic means are established as a preferential form of communication, with the aim of gradually eliminating postal notifications from any public administration.

For some time, all the notifications or procedures of the companies (SL and SA mainly) must be carried out by electronic means and since October 2018, Social Security has begun to communicate electronically to all the self-employed.

In order to use this mandatory notification mode, it is necessary to have a Digital Certificate of the company or autonomous and that is issued by various organizations, the best known being the one issued by the FNMT (National Currency and Stamp Factory). This Digital certificate has a duration of 2 years for Companies and 4/5 years for individuals or self-employed, and after this time it must be renewed.

Once this Digital Certificate has been obtained, it is necessary to register in a DEH (Enabled Electronic Address) and subscribe to all those organizations that wish to receive notifications, so the fact of having a Digital Certificate is not enough to receive management notifications correctly.

Once this registration process has been carried out, the user will receive an email advising him of the existence of a notification and must access a DEH with his Digital Signature.

The term we have to open the notifications is 10 days, therefore, after this time, said notification will be understood to be communicated by the administration and will produce the effects that are determined therein.

It is vitally important to keep a permanent control and monitoring of these notifications; Given the technical complexity and computer knowledge required, from Ennumera Asesoria y Consultoria in Denia we have launched an exclusive service in which we continuously monitor every 4 hours of all notifications that your company may have in any Public Administration such as Agency Tax, Social Security, DGT, Suma, Autonomous Communities, Town Councils, Lexnet, etc.

You can get more information about the service in the following link (Notifier)


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