Plan the finances of your company to have a positive cash flow and face the challenges of 2020 with solvency.
Before the end of the year, it is usual to take stock of the results of the last 12 months, but on the other hand, it is not so usual to make a serious forecast of all the income and expenses of the year that we are going to start.
This exercise, which is of vital importance, is what is known as the “Annual Treasury Budget”, which, like all public administrations (Town Halls, Governments, etc.) plan all their income and payments; companies and freelancers regardless of their size must have a clear understanding of the progress of their business in order to anticipate and make the right decisions at the right time.
The benefits of preparing an annual treasury budget are multiple in any business organization and are as follows:
- Ensure good liquidity both in the short and medium term.
- Optimize the financial management of the company, minimizing financial costs and maximizing financial income.
- It allows the financing needs to be identified with sufficient time in advance and will allow optimal bank negotiation.
- It allows you to control the Cash Flow or Cash Flow in a simple way, so that it is not our suppliers and the banks who set the guidelines in financial management of our company but rather the management of the company itself that takes control.
- Rest assured that we will have the necessary resources for our activity to be solvent and allow us to focus our efforts on generating value and growth.
One of the main causes why companies fail is because they are not able to generate enough liquidity to pay their suppliers, and it can lead to situations in which companies with a great product and great profitability have had to abandon the activity because they do not have a positive cash flow.
Carrying out this planning for the next 12 months will allow us to design which company we want to have and will provide us with a self-knowledge of the financial health of our company that will help us make decisions at the right time.
The time or date on which the decisions are made will determine the result or whether they exist; If through the Treasury Budget we detect that we are going to have problems to be able to face the payment of our suppliers in the month of June, we can prepare several months in advance for this situation, looking for the necessary financing sources with peace of mind and analyzing different alternatives ; On the other hand, if we have problems making the payments for the next week, our capacity and reaction time is much less and consequently we can have a much more expensive financing or even not be able to get it on time.